
Calculate better

PyCalc Help

Quick Start

This quick start guide will familiarize you with the basic features of the PyCalc interface. For more detailed help, see individual sections in the menu.


The main PyCalc interface looks like this:

Primo Keyboard

To calculate, enter mathematical expressions into the entry box using the keyboard. The entry box is located just above the keyboard, or at the bottom of the screen if the keyboard is hidden (outlined in orange below).

Entry Box

Most of the time, PyCalc can display the result of your calculation immediately, even as you type:

Entry Box


Expressions may be simple or complex, and can even be arbitrary Python code. PyCalc uses the basic math operators:



For more complicated math operations, you use functions. Functions are used by typing their name with one or more values in parentheses, like

Square Root

for square root of 16. Or


for cosine of pi/4. Note that you can use pi or e for those common mathematical constants.

For functions that take more than one value, separate the values with commas: min(2, 5).

See the list of the many functions available. You can even define your own functions.

These simple building blocks can be combined to form more complicated expressions. Use parentheses to group sub-expressions together in the usual way:

Entry Box

Entering Values

As you've already seen, numbers are entered into PyCalc just as you would expect. There are a few special cases to be aware of:

Negative Numbers
Enter with a minus sign in front
Negative Number
Large Numbers
Can be entered more easily with exponential notation
Positive Exponential
Small Numbers
Can be entered more easily with exponential notation
Negative Exponential
Complex or Imaginary Numbers
use the 'j' symbol
Complex Number
Hexadecimal Numbers
Prefix with '0x'
Use the 'hex()' function to convert back
Hexadecimal Numbers
Binary Numbers
Prefix with '0b'
Use the 'bin()' function to convert back
Binary Numbers

Run Button

You've seen that PyCalc displays the result of your calculation immediately as you type it. Once you've typed out your full calculation, you can also press the Run button:

Run Button

Doing so will:

History List

The history list is where your calculations go when you press the Run button. Each entry in the list shows both the code that you used for the calculation and the result.

History List

Many items can be stored in the list for reference later.

History List

Click the code in the list item to repopulate that code back into the entry box for further calculations.

History List

To delete an item, swipe left.

History List

You can also delete the items in the list all at once in the Settings menu.


PyCalc provides several keyboards — each best suited for a different purpose:

Big+Easy Keyboard Primo Keyboard Combo Keyboard

The keyboard button is at the top of the display:

Keyboard Button

Long-pressing the Settings+Help button will toggle between a right-handed layout and a left-handed layout.

These settings are also available within the Settings menu.


One of the reasons that working in PyCalc is efficient is that you can type a complex calculation and edit it until you get the result you're looking for.

As you'd expect, you can click directly within the entry box to reposition your cursor. However, it's often faster to use the built-in trackpad mode. Simply long-press any of the colored keys on the keyboard and then slide your finger. The cursor in the entry box will follow your finger movements around and you can drop the cursor wherever you like.


Precision Mode

When you enter numbers into PyCalc, they can be interpreted in different ways. 3 modes are supported:

The Precision Mode indicator lets you know which mode is active:

StandardStandard Mode Indicator
DecimalDecimal Mode Indicator
FractionalFractional Mode Indicator

Long-press the precision mode indicator to switch modes. Unless there's a specific reason to prefer another mode, we strongly recommend Decimal mode.

What's Next?

Congratulations on working your way through the quick start guide! You should now be able to use PyCalc productively. But this is just the start of what it can do. Explore the other pages in the menu to dive deeper. In particular, check out the file, which allows you to configure PyCalc in powerful ways.
